Experimentation: Selfies, Labels & Quotes

After exploring the important things in My Generation, in my local area and room and combined the ideas together. I picked out the main three sections that really did involve 'My Generation' and chose: Selfies, Labels and Quotes. The experimentation was based on the sections I have previously been experimenting with. However, this images taken in my bedroom with adaptation of the work by Rania Matar. I wanted to show how teenager girls use their bedrooms, ranging from taking selfies or doing nothing I wanted to photograph it all. These shots are only for experimentation purpose to help with whether I want to carry on with sectioning everything out.  

Selfies; in my room

Rania Matar's work includes an image where a girl has her bedroom wall full of magazine rip outs and as does my wall. So adapting the idea from her work I based it on taking selfies with that background, using a shallow depth of field, but the wall was fairly recognisable. In every image I am pulling different faces which is what selfies are really about and the idea which face I'm more 'obsessed' with. I didn't use self timer in these image instead I took real life selfies with my camera and had focused it beforehand. I used natural lighting coming in from the window behind me to highlight the unfocused background. 

I changed the background of the images trying to decide which background I would use in future development, to show it is my room I would probably use the wall full of magazine rip outs.

Experimentation: Labels 

Experimentation: Quotes

This book was gifted to me for my 18th birthday with the message 'welcome to adulthood.' Initial thoughts 'will I need this book to get through this? Since I was 15 I have relied heavily on words to motivate, inspire or teach me between right and wrong. But not words from people I know, anonymous authors that tell me stuff I want to her for example the quotes on these pages. I captured this image in natural light because of the weather being dull adding quite a tranquil effect. My hair and fingers in this image are in focus the most showing how I'm leaning over the book to be able to read it, I wanted to show in the image I was reading it but actually taking a picture of the book. The image is highly contrasted because it's something which I live by, words, and I felt as though it should have some intensity to it. This image has also incorporated the section 'dreams' because its referring to it in the quote. I tried various shots with this book because I know quotes are a big chapter in teenager years with help of: 

(Images from Google)

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