Development: Mum's Bedroom

I live in a family of four generations so I only thought it was right to develop using my mum's bedroom as the oldest generation in the house at the moment. My intentions were similar insofar as showing the difference between 3 bedrooms, adapting concepts of Rania's Matar's work. I should call it Mum and Dad's room but that is something I am trying to explore in this collection of images; why is it only called Mum's room? As well as the differences in all rooms with my Mum's room I wanted to use it as an example on behalf of a majority of people in her generation and explore how in the 21st century what is what and how it is. 

This image could be a possible answer to my question. I took this image with the intention of having the end of the bed cut off into a diagonal so the composition isn't perfect like the bedroom. The subject in this image that stood out the most is the shadow on the left side of the head board its as though someone was there but isn't now, but they left their mark. There is a pillow leaning next to it suggesting there was someone on that side of the bed but they have put the bed nicely and left their pillow.  Then the purple bed sheets which have this connotation of being provocative as its a dark colour and its in a bedroom. This image is very powerful in the way it convey's unintentional sadness because it feels as though something very significant is missing in the image. For the image I used natural lighting because it comes in from the right side of the image from the window highlighting the side where the pillow is upright, darkening the opposite side. I used a shallow depth of field in the image not signifying anything. The idea that this bedroom was once shared plays a big part in being so different to the previous two so this wouldn't be a question about 'My Generation' it could be tacking how its dealt with in different generations.

Further Development:
To expand my development I had the similar intentions when shooting my sister's bedroom however, the person in these images is anonymous showing that she gets lost in her room or duvet covers and doesn't want to be seen. These images are highly contrasted to give it a very tranquil atmosphere. As opposed to my bedroom images this bedroom is very simple in the way it's seen as a typical 'couple' room but this development shows what's really behind close doors, that there is only one person in this room. The room is very dull as the wallpaper is white and bedroom frame is a beige colour representing a sort of 'colour less' life. 

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