Development: Computerized Errors

Distortion leads to questions to yourself or others and as 'My Generation' is surrounded by the internet, social media websites teenagers see this distortion as a computerized error that may or may not be restored in a few mouse clicks. I adapted this technique from 'errors' we encounter on our computer screen. I made the error messages with help from the application 'Notepad' on Windows and typed in:
x =msgbox("Message",0+00,"Title")
It has to be saved under file name .vbs for it to open as a message and not a document. It connects to My Generation as we spend most of our lives behind computer screens, use Twitter to share our opinions but get argument's again. We use Tumblr as it is seen as a place where you can post anything and no one will judge you for it. e.g self harm blog's and the idea that people have turned mental issues into a fashion trend becoming the glorification by media and because 'everybody else is doing it you should to.'
An image taken from Tumblr which is to help self harmer's find an alternative and this is reblogged to spread awareness. However, various people do think Tumblr is trying to make their users think its ok to do it because the 13456 people who have reblogged it probably do self harn. A personal subject like this is something to keep yourself but not on Tumblr, no.

Instagram is to show ourselves to the world in a filtered images looking our best, self promotion or self obsession but leaving out the emotion.. We think having all these sites we are included in a group but really we are alone and our follower count doesn't make a difference to our lives.
I tried to step away from the idea of looking at all the disadvantages in social networking sites but concentrate on the idea of an Anti Social Generation, where we do think a few mouse clicks might solve something. The idea we have of sitting on our laptops on the internet searching for 'love or family quotes.'
We are a generation where we are robots to the internet and all our problems are computer errors.

I experimented with previous shoot of mine and added the computer error message to the middle of the image making it the focus point of the image. I wanted to portray the idea of our bedrooms becoming computerized in the way My Generation lives in their bedrooms and live on the internet. The image is of my bedroom window with walls shadowy showing the intimacy between my walls and window, the intensity it shares capturing a moment that maybe I've overlooked before and that is that I've never seen that part of my bedroom look so pretty and tidy. I never appreciated the beauty of looking outside because usually I would sit in my room and close the blinds. The message prompted that thought, the idea that I've grown up not appreciating things like that and maybe I could just start this life over again.

These are my own error messages: 

Example of how they would look on relevant images:

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